Windows - Attrib - Showing hidden files by virus

Some virus affecting our Windows System by replacing our document with infected files, hidding the real document and changing the document attribut to system files. It will cause this document can't be see with normal windows explorer view. We have to make option change on folder option to make the document viewable.

But in some case, virus has do many thing as well to prevent us from doing anything againt the virus like disabling regedit and msconfig, hidding folder option and etc. Even that the virus was remove from our System they still leave that problem behind.

Re-showing the hidden files is easy, it's done using dos with attrib command. But did you know what is the option after the attrib command means?

Attrib is a command, in MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. The function of attrib is to set and remove data attributes (read-only, archive, system and hidden). These attributes are used by a wide variety software to protect and classify files (Source :Wikipedia).

Let's typing "ATTRIB /?" in MS-DOS prompt.

A couple option information are listed, there are:

+ Sets an attribute.
- Clears an attribute.
R Read-only file attribute.
A Archive file attribute.
S System file attribute.
H Hidden file attribute.
/S Processes matching files in the current folder and all subfolders.
/D Processes folders as well.

For example, a flash driver with all files and folder are hidden by a virus, and assume the drive was F
c:\>F: //Changing to drive F
F:\>ATTRIB -S -H /S /D *
It's mean changing attribute on drive F, Clear File System attribute (-S), Clear Hidden attribute (-H), Process for matching files in the current folder and all sub folder (/S), and Process the folder as well.

NOw Facebook and Twitter is available on MS Excel

Hi Friends i am back with some new technique.

here i describe some interesting information about Facebook and Twitter.

Using application. You can see Your Facebook and Twitter Update on MS Excel.

To do this you need to go to this website and allow it to access your Facebook information. It then will open up an Excel worksheet but the contents will be about your Facebook. So if your boss(es) are peeking at you all they see is that you seem to be really concentrated at doing your “work”.

You can update your status as well as know what your friends are up to. Hovering onto your friends name will show you their Facebook profile picture and more for you to find out yourself. Don’t worry it’s easy and there is a simple guide that you can follow.

Another cool feature about this Facebook Excel is that when your boss(es) comes to close to your workstation, you just only need to press the spacebar and all the Facebook feed will be replaced by numbers. I find this feature indeed very cool.

Marking all mail as read in Gmail on One Click.

If you are tired to unread individual mail(you can only unread 50 mail at a time) in Gmail account but using this you can unread all the mail at one click, this method helpful to you.

To mark all mail as read:-

  1. In the search box, type "is:unread"
  2. In the select area press "All"
  3. A link will appear that says "Select all conversations that match this search", press it
  4. From the drop down, select "Mark All as Read".