Computer Tricks

There are lots of Tricks. Most of User Know about  below tricks. But some interesting Tricks are available in near Future. Try the folllowing tricks and Post the comment.

InCrease Your RAM & System Speed

1.Start Any application like Word.Open Some Large Documents.

2.Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open windows Task Manager and click Processes tab and sort the List in descending order on Memory Usage.

3.You Will see that WINWORD.EXE wii be semowgere at top, using multipale MBs of memory.

4. Now Switch to Word and minimize it. Don't minimize all windows option of the task bar.

5.NOw go back to the Windows Task Manger and see where WINWORD.EXE is listed.

6.Now check out the amount of RAM Surprized?

7. Minimize each application that u r currently not working on by clicking on the minimize button & you can incrase the amount of RAM.


a simple registry TRICK TO BLOCK USB drives (do it with care)

1. Go to Start –> Run, type Regedit.
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\Servic es\USBStor
3. In the right pane, look for value Start and have value as 0000000(3)
4. Double click on that and change that value to 4.

You might be required to restart the PC, and then you are done with it, USB is now blocked.

In case if you want to get the USB unblocked, just change the value again to 3

@ Shutdown XP Faster

1.Start - Run - Regedit

2.Navigate to the following Registry key:
HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Desktop

3.Double click on the AutoEndTasks entry and replace the 0 with a 1 in the Value data text box

4.For the next two, if the dword value indicated does not exist, create it:

5.Double click on the WaitToKillAppTimeout entry in the right pane and change the Value data to 2000

6.Double click on the HungAppTimeout entry in the right pane and change the Value data to 1000


If still having a problem, make the next change:
1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control

2) Right-click on WaitToKillServiceTimeout and change it to 2000


Tuesday, 2 Feb 2010

Some time we visit some .......... site (U understand what I'm telling abt).
U want to delete the URL from the any explorer after finishing Ur visit, isn't it? & then U've to delete all of them isn't it??
U can't delete a single one, right???

Here is a tricks for it

1.Go to RUN

2.Type "regedit"

3.Go like this.....HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs

4. In the right panel u'll see the urls .. just delete the URL U want to.

That's it!!!